The assessment platform to make your business grow
Dokimazo is a software as a service for assessment professionals. We manage technology, you can focus on content and business.
Forget technology and focus on content and business
Dokimazo offers a comprehensive range of features for designing and using assessments, including benchmarks!
Assist your clients to define skills and competency models in line with their business goals
Skill Builder. Assist HR and L&D Managers in building competency models either from scratch or by utilizing pre-existing skills and jobs taxonomies.
Skill Wallet. Create skill smart portfolios for your client employees, establish skill and development goals, and enrich them overtime with learning accomplishments.
Map skills, check gaps and share the results in minutes
- Quizzes. Quickly generate micro-tests with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence and distribuite across all company channels (such as instant messaging).
- Assessments. Digitize and make the process of evaluating practical skills, soft skills, aptitudes more efficient, even in teams with multiple assessors.
- Reports. Analyze and import data into the customer’s business environment or external data visualization platforms.
Publish your assessments in our marketplace and find new clients
- Marketplace. Grow your business and publish your assessments in our marketplace: other clients will be able to use them by purchasing them online.
- Revenue sharing. Dokimazo is a new sales channel for you: after publication, the platform does the rest, including payment features. Only a small fee will be withheld from you for the service.
Join our early adoption program and get exclusive benefits!
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